Within iOS 11 Notes App you can easily scan document via iPhone or iPad. Scanning document is very easy via Notes App. iOS11 Notes app can be used as a document scanner also. In this article we will see how to use document scanner from iOS11 Notes App within iPhone or iPad.
iOS 11 Notes App document scanner is very powerful, it will detect edges of document easily and scan it from edges. You can also modify edges later on if need because it saves original captured image and shows document by cropping with detected edges. It is not permanent crop means you can change the edge anytime. Other then detecting edges, it also correct tilt, reduce reflection and align edges etc.
Important: Document scanning features is available within iOS11 Notes App, so please upgrade your iPhone, iPad to iOS11 to take full benefit of Notes Application latest features.
How to Scan Document from Notes App
1) Open Notes App
Make sure you upgraded your iPhone to iOS11.

2) Tap + button from note editor

3) Tap “Scan Documents” from action sheet

4) Scan Receipt, Business Card via Scanner Interface, Tap round button to capture it.
It will detect document edge and show suggested edge.

5) Now tap “Keep Scan” to confirm the scan.
- It shows scanned document edge and four corner with round.
- You can drag corner and adjust edge if not detected properly.
- You can tap “Retake” button to scan again.

6) Tap “Save” button
- You can capture more document at this stage by taping capture button, otherwise tap “Save” button.
- It will show scanned document within your notes.

Now scanned document shows embeded to notes. You can modify the scanned document any time using method below.
How to Change Crop Edge for Scanned Doc
1) Tap Scanned Doc from your note

2) Tap Crop icon

3) Adjust crop border using round at corner, and tap “Done” button

How to Change Colour Scheme
1) Tap Scanned Doc from your note

2) Tap colour icon

3) It shows Colour Scheme as under, choose scheme you prefer.

How to Share Scanned Doc
1) Tap Scanned Doc from your note

2) Tap “Share” button

3) You can share it via WhatsApp, AirDrop, Create PDF etc.