If you have purchased apple gift card, you can redeem it from your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Windows pc as explained below. Once you redeem Apple Gift Card, you can use it for purchase from App Store, Get access to Apple Arcade Subscription. You can also use it for Apple Music, Apple TV+ and purchase audio books from Apple Books.
Table of Contents:
– Redeem Apple Gift Card with iPhone or iPad
– How to Redeem Apple Gift Card on Mac
– Redeem Apple Gift Card on Windows PC
– How to Redeem Apple Gift Card Received via Email
– Can Not Redeem Apple Gift Card? Here is Solution
– How to Contact Apple Support
– Frequently Asked Questions
How to Redeem Apple Gift Card with iPhone or iPad
1) Open App Store App from your iPhone or iPad

2) Tap your Photo at Top Right OR Sign In Button (if not Signed In)

3) Tap Redeem Gift Card or Code
If you do not see Redeem Gift Card or Code, please sign in with your Apple ID.

4) Tap Use Camera (i.e. Scan Code using iPhone Camera to Redeem Apple Gift Card)
i.e. Tap Use Camera and follow the instructions shown on the screen.

5) It will Scan Code using iPhone Camera to Redeem Apple Gift Card
If you have trouble to redeem gift Card using iPhone camera, then proceed next step to enter code manually.

6) Tap Enter Code Manually (If trouble to Use Camera)

7) Tap within Text Input

8) Enter Code and Tap Redeem Button (Code Starts with X)

9) At this Step Sign-In is Required, So Enter Password and tap Sign In

10) If Code is Valid, It will Show Account Balance (i.e. Redeem Apple Gift Card done)

Note: If you can’t redeem your Apple Gift Card, Please follow this guide to get more idea.
How to Redeem Apple Gift Card on Mac
1. Find the 16-digit code on the back of the card.
Remember, for some gift cards you might need to peel or gently scratch off the label to see the code.
2. On your Mac, open the App Store.
3. Click your name or the sign-in button in the sidebar.
4. Click Redeem Gift Card.

5. Enter your Gift Card number and follow the instructions on the screen to redeem Apple Gift Card.
How to Redeem Apple Gift Card on Windows PC
1. Find the 16-digit code on the back of the card
Important: For some gift cards, you might need to peel or gently scratch off the label to see the code.
2. Open iTunes from windows pc.
3. From the menu bar at the top of the iTunes window, choose Account.
4. Choose Redeem.
5. Sign in and follow the instructions on the screen to redeem apple gift card.
How to Redeem Apple Gift Card Received via eMail
If someone emailed you Apple Gift Card, open the email and tap or click the Redeem Now button and follow the instructions.
Can Not Redeem Apple Gift Card or Code? Refer This.
If you can’t redeem your apple gift card in the App Store or iTunes Store, here are some things you can try:
Shows Message – Your Card Is Not Valid
If you see a message that says that your card is not valid, here’s what to do:
- One possible reason may be you are using Apple Store Gift Card. Apple Store Gift Cards are grey, white, silver or gold. You can’t redeem Apple Store Gift Cards in the App Store or iTunes Store.
- Try entering redeem code manually. When you redeem a gift card, tap or click “You can also enter your code manually”. Make sure you enter the redeem code that begins with “X”.
- Make sure you enter the correct characters. Some letters and numbers look alike, e.g. E and 3, O and 0, S and 5, U and V, Z and 2, B and 8, D and O, G and 6, O and Q etc.
Card Has Already Been Redeemed
If you see a message that says that your card has already been redeemed, you might have already redeemed it. Sign out of the App Store or iTunes Store on all of your devices, then sign back in. This refreshes your Apple Account balance. If you need more help you can also contact Apple Support.
Card Has Not Been Activated
If you see a message that says your card has not been activated properly, it might possible that the card not activated by the retailer who sold the card. In such situation it is better to contact the retailer and try to resolve it with them. If you need more help, contact Apple Support.
Apple Gift Card Code Is Unreadable
Sometimes it is possible that code from the back of your card is damaged and unreadable due to scratch, you can contact Apple Support in such situation.
Code Must Be Redeemed In a Different Country or Region
If you see a message that says “Code must be redeemed in another shop” there could be possible reason that card was purchased from another country and region and your App Store does not belongs to that country/region.
Remember you can’t redeem Apple Gift Cards or App Store & iTunes Gift Cards outside the country or region of purchase.
For example if you bought an App Store & iTunes Gift Card in France, you can’t redeem it in the App Store in the United States.
How to Contact Apple Support (If not able to Redeem Apple Gift Card)
When you contact apple support, you might need to provide below things,
– Front and back image of your App Store or iTunes Card.
– A sales receipt showing your purchased info.
– The serial number printed on your card.
How to Find Serial Number on App Store & iTunes Gift Card?
Remember: The serial number is not the same as the code that begins with “X” that you use to redeem the card.
The serial number is located on the back of your card, and seen different way as shown below.

Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What should I buy with Apple Gift Card or Apple Account balance?
Once you redeem Apple Gift Card or App Store & iTunes gift card, you can make purchases with your Apple Account balance. Buy Apps, Games or In-App purchases from the App Store. Buy Music, Films and more from iTunes Store, Apple TV App or Apple Books. Pay for subscriptions such as Apple Music, Apple Arcade and Apple TV+. Or pay for subscriptions in apps from the App Store.
2. Where I can’t use Apple Gift Card and Apple Account balance?
You can not use your Apple Account balance to send Gifts or Gift cards. i.e. You can not use Apple Gift Card for buying other Gift Card. Your family members can not spend your Apple Account balance via Family Sharing. Your Apple Account balance are only available for you. You can not use Apple Gift Card other than App Store Purchase. In Some case you can use apple balance on apple store if that option available.
3. Apple Gift Card and iTunes Gift Card is Same or Different?
Yes, Apple Gift Card and iTunes Gift Card is same.
4. How to check my Apple Gift Card Balance/Credit?
Open App Store app from iPhone, iPad or iPod. Tap user icon/avatar shown at top right. You will see Credit balance for your Apple Id. From macOS open App Store App. Click user avatar at bottom and tap View Information to see credit balance and other information related to your Apple Id.
5 Can I send Apple Gift Card to my friend or family located in other country?
Apple gift cards are app store country/region specific. You cannot buy Apple Gift Card from one country and send to friends or family located in other country. i.e. If you purchased Apple Gift card from India, you can redeem it with Apple Id belonging to Indian region.
6. How to avoid scam with Apple Gift Card?
Your Apple Gift Card is only for you. Never provide code/numbers on the back of the card to someone you do not know. Once those numbers are provided to the scammers, they will capture funds from your gift card and spent it without your knowledge.
Remember, App Store & iTunes Gift Cards can be used ONLY to purchase goods and services from the iTunes Store, App Store, Apple Books, Apple Music, Apple Arcade, iCloud storage subscription etc.
Apple Store Gift Cards can be redeemed ONLY on the Apple Online Store and at Apple Retail Stores. If you’re asked to use cards for any other payment, it could be a scam.
If you realise such scam already happened with you, Immediately report to your local authorities i.e. police department, trade commission etc.
7. Can I add balance to my Apple Wallet using an Apple Gift Card ?
When you redeem Apple Gift card to your account, balance is automatically added to your Apple Wallet account if you are located in the United States. If your country does not support Apple Wallet, balance will not added to wallet, instead of that you can see balance as App Store Credit.
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